Quick Weight Loss Tips For Lazy People Who Like to Be on Their Computers All Day

If you're like me then, you probably don't like exercising. However, losing weight does not have to be difficult even if you're lazy. I have discovered 3 shortcuts to quick weight loss that has worked for many people, including myself. Yay!
Quick Weight Loss Shortcut #1.
In our society today most of us, if not all of us, live a "desk-bound" lifestyle. We wake up we go to our desk jobs stare at the computer, then come home and sit front of our computers again. Hours creep by, it's time for bed and then it's back to work. This vicious cycle repeats itself over and over again until we smarten up and decide to break it.
So what does this have to do with quick weight loss? It's simple. You must incorporate some form of moderate activity into your lifestyle. Whether it's jogging, swimming, walking an hour a day, dancing or doing yoga, I recommend you do this at least 3 times a week. Go out and meet new people. If you're that lazy, find a friend to do these activities with. It will make it that much easier, and you will be able to hold each other accountable.
Quick Weight Loss Shortcut #2.
Do not skip meals. Ever. Again, with our fast paced lifestyle it's easy to forget to eat and overcompensate with junk food at our desks, at night, between work and when we're watching TV. It only takes 5 minutes out of your life to eat breakfast!
When you skip meals this slows down your metabolism, much like sitting down in front of the TV or computer. You want to kick start your metabolism and let it run on high as early as possible in the day. And don't just shove anything into your mouth either, stay away from fast food chains and opt for fresh fruits and vegetables.
Instead of settling for simple carbohydrates (which you can find in junk foods!), go for complex carbohydrates such as the ones in nuts, brown rice, whole grain cereal, etc. Your energy level besides your metabolism will also be boosted and you will feel great!
Quick Weight Loss Shortcut #3.
This one you guys will love. Drink water. That's it. I recommend at least 6-8 glasses a day. You can do that while sitting at your desk, watching TV, when you're surfing the Internet or being lazy. When you dehydrate your body your liver will turn its concentration towards water retention instead of attending to other duties such as burning fat. Also when your body is dehydrated your metabolic rate slows down.
So in summary, in order for you to achieve quick weight loss you should incorporate a type of activity into your lifestyle, not skip meals, and drink water. That's it! That was easy. Now you can go back to being lazy and work towards quick weight loss.
Discover how to lose weight quickly and easily without boring workouts or sit-ups.
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