5 Keys to Healthy Living: I'd Like to Have Abundant Life - Hold the Extra Pounds Please!

I want to begin by thanking God for allowing me to write and inviting me to take part in His Kingdom.
 I know that without Jesus, I would not have much to say. I pray that this article will be richly beneficial to you and prosper you for many years to come, In Jesus' name, amen. OK! Let us embark together on a journey, to having abundant life; beginning with our temples, (i.e. our bodies). 
I know it is not for us to merely exist, instead to embark upon a LIFE full of LIFE! I'm speaking of LIFE so full that LIFE is bursting out of you at every point! This is what church folk call: "Life, and life more abundant". 
This life is a free gift and there are five very simple keys to an abundant physical life. The first of which is: eating rightly, in particular berries! This is my way of avoiding the dreaded four-letter "d" word. The second key is drinking PLENTY of water. The third key is consistent physical exercise, the fourth key is a little R and R, that is: recreation and relaxation, and finally the fifth key is proper rest.
 Eating rightly: is the first key of the cornerstone to unlocking abundant physical life, but eating rightly is slightly more complex than eating green leafy vegetables. I have learned that is has more to do with the blood, (praise break for believers!). Depending on your blood type, eating rightly if you're A-type like me may consist of a veggie and berry-dense "d" word. If you're an O-type, which roughly 50% of the world population is, then eating rightly, may consist of a meat-dense "d" word. However, eating a plethora of berries such as Acai berry which is a superfood that contains more antioxidants than cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries that helps with anti-aging and weight loss, regardless of your specific blood type is richly beneficial for all of the reasons our doctors and nutritionist say they are. It behooves me to implore you to take time out of yourselves to figure out what blood type you are so that you know what a proper diet, oops, I mean "d" word works for you.
 Drinking plenty of water: is the second key of the cornerstone to unlocking abundant physical life. It is said that drinking 8, 8 ounce cups of water a day is all that an adult will need to stay properly hydrated.
 While that is good advice, the amount of water you drink depends heavily on your weight. A cool way to know how much water you should drink is to simply divide your body weight by two then drink that in ounces per day, For example my weight is 185 lbs. divide that by 2 and I must drink 92.5 ounces of water or 11.5, 8 ounce cups a day. Water is so essential to abundant life because it helps remove waste, convert food to energy, regulates body temperature, protects and cushions vital organs, and helps to carry nutrients and oxygen to cells.
 Consistent exercise: "A body in motion stays in motion!" this is a pivotal key in the pursuit to unlocking abundant physical life, no matter how little or much you eat or drink, the benefits are nil if you are not moving and grooving. Exercise is a fabulous way to maintain healthy weight, metabolism, focus, and energy. It also helps reduce cholesterol and regulates cycles for women. Not to mention build muscle for men and keep the ladies looking trim and fit. When you add regular exercise your life, you add more life to your life.
 Recreation and relaxation: is the fourth key to unlocking abundant physical life! Recreation and relaxation is the "fun" that brings balance to healthy living. Both recreation and relaxation are integral parts to making life worth living. This is where we get to explore the God spark of creation or creative expression in the form of hobbies, pastimes, and vacations. Make sure that while you are exploring your creative genius that you are taking time to focus on the inner workings of your being, when you are eating rightly, drinking plenty of water, and exercising consistently, it makes this piece of the puzzle that much more pleasurable.
 Rest: is the fifth and final key to unlocking abundant physical life
Every person on the "third rock from the sun" needs adequate rest. Rest includes but is not limited to sleep. Often times rest constitutes "taking a break from life as you know it to be" and does not necessarily mean that you are not doing anything. Rest is important because it allows the body to take time to restore itself and to give the mind time to not process the next phase of global domination. Rather, rest brings what I call "shalom" (i.e. peace) into your life which allow you to empty yourself of the troubles that life may or may not bring this side of heaven and is the lynch-pen to abundant living.
Understanding yourself and incorporating these five simple keys into your life makes for a very rich life indeed! To get started you may need a boost and a helping hand to get on the fast track to abundant living.
 A good way to supplement your eating rightly below is a link to my website that will help you in your endeavors to losing weight, increasing metabolism and energy, and aid you with powerful antioxidant support that will get you moving and grooving in no time flat. Thank you for reading and I'll see you on the abundant life side of the tracks.
Acai Berry Select is the key to:
• Weight Loss 
• Increased Metabolism 
• Increased Energy
• Fat Oxidation
• Fighting Fatigue
• Anti-aging
• And Powerful Antioxidant Support
Click Here for your inheritance- http://berry-wellness.info

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