Losing Weight Fast - Quick Weight Loss Tips For The Holidays

With the holidays and festivities just around the corner pressure mounts to shed those few unsightly pounds that so inconveniently settled around your waist and hips.
 All you are looking for is a quick remedy to ensure that your favorite holiday outfit looks awesome on you.
Losing weight fast for a quick and temporary relief is possible.
 The following easy adjustments to your nutrition will help you take off 5-10 pounds quickly and effortlessly. 
Then, you will be able to slip into that fabulous dress without any struggle.
1. Do not go on a starvation diet.
 This is one of the worst things to do when you are trying to lose weight. As soon as your brain recognizes hunger and a lack of food the body enters a starvation mode. 
Your metabolism slows down and your body begins to hoard the fat as mad.
 To avoid this, eat normally, do not skip meals and especially do not skip breakfast.
2. Stop grazing.
 Evenings are the worst for grazing, especially if you are sitting in front of the TV and are bombarded by the delectable mouth watering food commercials. 
To avoid the temptation (let me assure you they are very difficult to avoid), if you do not want to outright turn the TV off keep a glass of water by your side. 
Have a sip of the water as soon as you feel the snack attack approaching.
3. Completely remove all sweets, including artificially sweetened food from your diet. 
This requirement also includes juices and diet or regular sodas. Check ingredient labels carefully and avoid all foods that contain ingredients ending with "ose".
 Every one of them is sugar. Be especially careful with salad dressings, many contain sugar.
4. Stay away from any foods made with white flour, such as pasta and bread. 
If you really want to have a toast at breakfast make sure that the bread is wholewheat and grainy (12 grain). Try to stick to no more than 1 slice.
5. Water, water and more water.
 It is a common knowledge that you need to drink a lot of water during the day to keep hydrated.
 It is recommended that you drink at least 8 glasses per day. 
Most people do not know that water helps the body metabolize fat. Many people also are not aware that if they retain water, drinking enough water is actually the best treatment for water retention.
6. Increase your physical activity. During the hectic pre-holiday time you may have little time to visit the gym. 
Other activities may compensate for that. Walk to your destinations, park your car far from the mall entrance, clean your house until it sparkles, fidget.
 What ever it takes, keep moving.
Following the steps above, losing weight fast, before the holidays will be possible and you will notice the difference in the way your clothes fit.
 What you have to bear in mind is that this is not a solution for a wight loss that is sustainable. Fast weight loss that is not followed by a good and healthy eating regimen and a change in a lifestyle does not stand a chance.
 Before you know it the pounds will be back.
If you want to learn how to lose weight permanently visit: Diet Solution Program.
 For more tips on fast weight loss watch the Free Video at Get Thin

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