5 Quick Weight Loss Tips To Lose Belly Fat Faster

Quick weight loss tips are everywhere. See how these 5 tips helped me go from 162 pounds to 104 pounds in 18 months after I had my first baby, Lucas.
Tip #1: Eat Consciously
What does eating consciously mean? It means taking the time to really enjoy the food you are eating.
You take in how it looks, how it smells, how it tastes. You're not shoveling the food in your mouth bite after bite.
It's too easy to eat in a hurry.
 When you do, you're not giving your body a chance to feel full.
 This is how you overeat.
When you eat slowly, and put your fork down in between bites, you actually get the signal that you are full, and stop eating.
You might find that you have food on your plate still.
 But, I've found that it's better for the food to go to waste, than to your waist.
Tip #2: Stop When You're Full
This tip stems from tip #1.
 I'm one of those people that learned to eat everything off of my plate.
That was signal that I was "full." But, ti doesn't work like that.
Or, I know someone who stops eating when he is the last person at the dinner table still eating.
 At that point is when he decides he's full.
These are external cues that tell you that you are full. What I'm asking of you is to pay attention to the internal cues.
When you eat slowly, you get the internal signal that you are full. That's when you stop eating. 
You don't take in more calories than your body is telling you that you need.
Tip #3: Common Sense
I'd ask you to quit following the latest fad diet.
 Does it make sense to only eat grapefruit? Or to only eat high protein, full of fat foods? Or to quit eating carbohydrates all together, which includes fruit? (When did fruit become the bad guy?)
So, use your common sense.
 Eat foods that are full of vitamins and minerals and nutrients. Foods like lean chicken, lean meats, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
These are the foods that form the basis of your nutrition guide.
 Not some latest gimmick that promises you'll lose weight without eating food that is good for you.
Tip #4: The 80/20 Principle
Of all the quick weight loss tips, this is my favorite one. Mainly because 20% of the time, I get to eat my cheat meals.
Basically the 80/20 Principle states that 80% of the time you eat healthy, foods that are good for you.
 And, 20% of the time you get to eat whatever you like. Generally, one day of the week, you eat to your heart's content.
So, 6 days of the week, focus on wholesome, unprocessed foods that are essential for healthy living.
 These foods are found mainly along the perimeter of the grocery store.
 Skip the junk like chips, cookies, ice cream, and candy.
On the 7th day, eat your pizza, hot wings, and french fries. 
This allows you the satisfaction of not feeling deprived.
 It also gives you something to look forward to. You're less likely to quit eating healthy since you get to have this one day of bliss.
Tip #5: Drink Water
Water plays an essential part to your weight loss efforts.
 If you are even 1% dehydrated, this can affect how fast your metabolism works.
So, aim to drink half your body weight in milliliters of water. If you weight 150 pounds, drink 75 milliliters of water a day.
Also, if you want to make sure you do not overeat during your meals, drink a glass of water right before.
 This will help you to feel full long before you grab your second helping.
Hopefully these quick weight loss tips will get you the results it got me.
 I now eat healthier than I ever did before. When I do have my cheat days, I actually crave eating salad the next day. It's funny how things work out like that.
Find out more on how to eat to lose weight by following 4 Golden Rules.
Kristine Kay helps moms lose up to 25 pounds of belly fat in 90 days without military exercise, starvation diets, or expensive diet pills.
 Subscribe to her free newsletter where you get instant access to exclusive tips for fat loss for moms
It's her all natural approach to losing weight and keeping it off.
 Losing weight after pregnancy just got easier.

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