Fast Weight Loss Tips for Those Last Five Pounds

Are you stuck at that last five pounds? It happens to us all. A half a size away from those jeans you've tried on a dozen times at the mall and still, they don't quite zip. Be patient. You'll get there!! But if your weight loss efforts need a little kick in the pants to help you over that hump, these fast weight loss tips will help!
If you've been following a healthful plan to lose weight which includes a slow steady weight loss, you'll understand when I say that these weight loss tips aren't going to get you in those jeans by this weekend. 
That's okay! You won't waste the 70 bucks either because once you get into them, you'll be able to wear them for a long time.
Start by ramping up your work out. In the beginning of your weight loss plan, you probably found you lost the first pounds more quickly. That's completely normal, but it can be frustrating when your body adjusts to your new regime. The good news is that because you've been working out, your body is quite ready for a push. If you were doing two miles in thirty minutes, push yourself a bit more to get another quarter mile in. If speed isn't your game, extend the time. What's ten minutes more a day? Raise the incline for five of those thirty minutes. 
These weight loss tips will not only help you lose those last five pounds, but they will put your body into peak condition.
Got fiber? Adding fiber to your diet could be one of the best weight loss tips out there.
 Fiber has been shown to aid in weight loss. Not only that, but research shows that it is beneficial in lowering cholesterol and the incidence of cancers such as colon cancer.
 The recommended daily allowance for fiber is 25 grams. Most Americans do not reach this goal. If you're eating a diet that utilizes whole grains instead of refined carbohydrates, your chances of getting that full 25 grams are better. Also, fiber works best when it's a good mix of insoluble and soluble fiber. Insoluble fiber is the stuff you'll find in whole grains and roughage such as lettuce and celery.
 Soluble fiber is found in fruits such as apples and pears. A bowl of oatmeal contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. Kill two birds with one stone, so to speak! Fiber supplements that you can mix in with your coffee or tea in the morning are a great way to sneak in another 3 grams or so. Just don't rely on those for all of your fiber or you'll be missing out on some other important nutrients. And go slowly! Work your way up to 25 grams per day gradually. Too much fiber too fast will leave you feeling a bit bloated and gassy.
We all have a weak spot for something. Sweet, salty, greasy or whatever your poison may be, there are certain times that you are more susceptible to temptation. A little treat now and then is not what I'm talking about here. 
It's okay to have a piece of chocolate, maybe even beneficial. What's not okay is to have a box of chocolate in one evening. Nor a bag of potato chips. Think about the last time you blew it. What was going on in your life that day? Were you tired? Sad? Angry? Frustrated? Stressed out? If you're a woman, was it PMS? Recognize this and redirect your emotion from food into something better. Now's not the time to allow yourself the piece of chocolate. Your willpower is down and you're likely to binge. Go for a walk. Call a friend.
 Meditate for five minutes. Turn on the music and dance... anything that will elevate your mood and help you through this rough spot without binging. Weight loss tips like this will not only help you achieve your goals, but they'll help you deal with your emotions in a much better way than using instant gratification.
If you think you've already followed all the weight loss tips out there and are still having a tough time, re-examine your food intake throughout the week. You might be surprised at what you forget to calculate into your daily calories. A common mistake is the big lunchtime salad.
 You may think you're eating far fewer calories than you actually are. Creamy dressings such as honey mustard can add a whopping 300 calories to that healthful salad. 
Add into that choosing breaded chicken over grilled and you may as well have had the cheeseburger. Taco salads can have tons of calories. Just because you sprinkled a handful of corn over the sour cream, seasoned beef and tortilla chips (that cover the iceberg lettuce on the bottom) doesn't mean you've eaten a low-calorie lunch. Oh! If only it were that easy! Instead, go for the loaded veggie salad with a bit of grilled chicken, maybe a sprinkling of grated cheese and use a flavorful vinaigrette. Some vinaigrettes have as few as 40 calories per two tablespoons.
Following these weight loss tips will get you into those jeans before you know it! Just remember to follow weight loss tips that continue to promote healthy weight loss and not just fast weight loss. Keep up the good work!
From a sickly little girl to a healthy chef to the stars, Darlene Nicholson transformed herself into The "Kick in the Butt" Healthy Lifestyle Expert and creator of the popular DVD "The Healthy Grocery Store Tour". Visit her website http://www.lifechanginghealthysoutions.
com [] or grab a copy of her free ebook "4 Steps to Permanent Weight Loss"...guaranteed to open your eyes to how easy weight loss can be with the right plan of attack.

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