Fast Weight Loss Tips For Women Over 40

Now that you've reached the age of 40, you will have a challenge on your hands to maintain a trim and lean figure. While being 40 is hardly "over the hill", your body simply isn't working at the same rapid pace it was when you were 18. But instead of getting all depressed and nostalgic, it's time to remember one truth: you can look awesome as a 40 year old, still turn heads, and even have a kind of sexiness that younger women simply don't possess.
To do that, you need to be in good shape. So, here are some fast weight loss tips for women over 40. Use them, enjoy them, and you will see the results... and other people will too.
1. It's time to lift - A lot of women stick to the cardio machine area of the gym. While I love cardio myself, it is not the most effective way to lose fat and to keep it off. At least it won't do alone. You need to get into the weight lifting area of the gym and start doing strength exercises for your entire body. Not only will you tone your body, giving it a nice, firm, look, you will also be boosting your metabolism which is something you have to get done as it naturally slows with age.
2. Watch what you eat - It's time to take a good hard look at what you eat and try to figure out how you can improve your eating habits. You can't allow yourself the same indulgements that you could when you were 20. You will need to work extra hard to burn off the calories and fat if you do. I'm not saying to deprive yourself of whatever you enjoy but to take a more cautious approach to it.
3. The 10% rule - Now that you're over 40, you need to do a bit more to stay in the same shape. I call this the 10% rule and it's simplistic as it can possibly be. I want you to increase your activity by 10%. It doesn't have to be the time you put into it. It can be the intensity of your workouts. This is actually the better way to do it. Just up the ante a bit.
4. Keep closer watch - If you do gain weight when you're over 40, it may become a bit harder for you to lose it. So, keep a closer watch over your weight and figure to help you catch any change when it's just starting out.
You can lose weight at any age. Just take the right action.
For an excellent resource to stay in shape past 40, visit Fit Over 40 Reviews
For an excellent way for women to lose weight, visit Holly Rigsby's Fit Yummy Mummy John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

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