Losing Weight Fast - One Day Quick Weight Loss Diet

Losing weight fast is my only option, I thought, as I was driving home after spending 2 glorious festive weeks with my family and friends. My super-tight, unbuttoned jeans, overflown by a recently acquired belly bulge were a constant reminder of my overindulgence in yummy foods, snacks and drinks over the holidays.
Normally, I would not stress about such weight gain as overtime I would return to my normal weight and shape. What worried me was my up-coming, important meeting. But I knew there was no way on earth I could fit into my perfect outfit I wanted to wear in such a short time. Yes, quick weight loss was the only way to go!
In my doom and gloom, and to further add insult to injury, I stopped at a variety store to pick up some comfort food. And that is where I saw it. A huge headline in big bold letters promising an "emergency diet to blast off 4 pounds overnight"! Of course I was skeptical, but I was desperate, I gave in, purchased the magazine and headed for the nearest coffee shop.
As soon as I started to read the article a feeling of excitement enveloped me. This was the real thing! No pills, no potions, gimmicks and cleanses. This emergency one day diet was healthy, filling and readily available. Essentially, it was a diet based on carefully selected foods, eaten over a course of a day, that any one could adopt if losing weight fast was necessary.
I was willing to give it a try. My fridge was completely empty so I jotted a list of foods I needed to pick up. My list included:
Low-fat Greek yogurt, mixed berries (fresh or frozen), raw unsalted almonds (or unsalted pistachios), a skinless, boneless chicken breast (or a can of no salt-added tuna), ingredients for a tossed salad (I opted for spinach, romaine lettuce, and iceberg lettuce, red pepper, tomato), eggs, baby carrots (or cherry tomatoes), salmon (preferably wild), sweet potato and lemon.
I already had the recommended spices and condiments such as: cayenne, ground cumin, turmeric, ground ginger, olive oil, and vinegar. To drink, in addition to water (coffee was also allowed), green tea was suggested but not compulsory.
I started the experiment to lose weight fast the next day. As I really wanted to see if this will work, I weighed myself first thing in the morning. I put my jeans on, they were still very tight. After these preliminaries I started the diet. I followed the prescribed diet as suggested but I had to make a few variations. Our supermarket did not have a low-fat Greek yogurt. Instead, I used low-fat Balkan style yogurt. The salmon I bought was either farmed or wild; the temp sales person did not know.
* 1/2 cup of fat-free Balkan style yogurt
* 1/2 cup of mixed berries with a pinch of ginger
* 10oz. water, cup of green tea
Mid-morning Snack:
* 15 raw unsalted almonds
* 10oz. water, cup of green tea
* 3 cups of tossed salad that included iceberg lettuce, spinach, romaine lettuce, half of a red pepper and half of a tomato
* 3 ounces of broiled chicken without any seasoning
* I opted for a plain oil and vinegar dressing with a hint of cayenne
* 10 oz water, 1 cup of black coffee
Mid-afternoon Snack:
* one hard-boiled egg
* 6 baby carrots
* 10oz water, cup of green tea
* 4 oz. broiled salmon brushed with 1/2 Tbsp. olive oil, dill and lemon
* 2 cups of steamed spinach with a pinch of coriander
* 1/2 cup baked medium sweet potato
* 10oz. water, cup of green tea
I had no other food after dinner. I did have have 2 additional glasses of water between dinner and the time I went to sleep. This was a deviation from the suggested diet.
Next morning I weighed myself. I lost 3.5 pounds! I was able to comfortably fit into my jeans and even button them up. Obviously, I also lost body inches. Subsequently, my meeting outfit fit like a glove. Based on what I read in the article, my weight loss was in the upper middle range as people reported losing 4 pounds of weight and up to 6 inches in body measurement.
So what exactly happened? As you may have noticed no salt was added to any of the meals I prepared.The flavor was acquired with herbs. The lack of salt is the secret! Simply, as I reduced my salt intake I lost a lot of body fluid, hence the fast weight loss and the reduction in body measurements.
Essentially, any low sodium (salt) diet will help you get rid of extra body fluid you seem to retain. In this instance, the significantly large weight loss and the reduction of body measurements is due to the fact that the recommended foods in this one day quick weight loss diet are, according to research, low-sodium superfoods.
This experiment was very exciting for me and it suggests that losing weight fast is possible even with a very healthy approach and delicious foods. I am not a proponent of a quick weight loss for permanent results. However, I do believe that that losing weight fast at the beginning of a weight loss journey offers the dieter a psychological and a motivational boost that is important for a weight loss success.
Losing weight fast is possible with this one day diet. It will kick-start your weight loss. To lose weight permanently click on  the diet solution program which show lead you to your final destination. Click on Lose Weight Tips to discover more tips to lose weight fast. Based on an article I read and followed in Woman's World magazine, January 3, 2011 issue

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